


报 告 人:大西公平(Kouhei OHNISHI),日本庆应大学教授

报告题目:Real Haptics Opens a New Door

内容简介:Tactile/force sensation is now artificially transmitted. This novel technology is called real haptics. In the past, audio sensation was first transmitted by telephone in 19th century. Visual sensation was first transmitted by television system in 20th century. In 21st century, we could overcome many problems on real haptics by the power of high-speed computer and modern control techniques. In the long period of evolution of the creature, tactile sensation seemed appear earlier than other receptors such as eyes or ears. Our human beings sometimes forget the importance of tactile sensation since it is quite natural. However, most robots and/or artificial machines do not have such sensations. The lack of the tactile sensation prevents artificial machines used in our ordinary society. They have worked in the closed space like factories or some limited/inaccessible spaces. However the demand of introduction of artificial machines into our home, hospitals and schools is increasing. The function of haptics is not limited to only the force transmission. By haptics, such machines become completely compliant. This allows such machines contact soft materials without injuring them. The reason why our present machines are not used in our ordinary life is that they are dangerous due to their stiff and merciless motions. Haptics may solve these problems. Haptics changes the usage of artificial machines, i.e. they will be applied to welfare area, medical area or widely human-support systems. In 21st century, no countries can survive unless solving the aging of the society. In 2050, about 16% of the total population is more than 65 years old. It is more than three times compared to the present situation. Haptic technology will provide a solution. The speech will show what is a real haptics, how do we implement it, how do we use it and so on. It also includes some basics on this unique technology.

作者简历:Prof. Kouhei Ohnishi received B.E. (1975), M.E. (1977) and Ph.D. (1980) all in electrical engineering from the University of Tokyo. Since 1980, he has been with Keio University, and is Professor at Dept. of System Design Engineering. He has been active in the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ) and the Industrial Electronics Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE IES). He served as a President in 2008 and 2009 for IEEE IES and is a President-Elect at the IEEJ. He has been appointed as a full member of Science Council of Japan since 2014. He is a fellow of IEEE and IEEJ. He received numerous awards including IEEE Dr.-Ing. Eugene Mittelmann Achievement Award in 2004, the IEEJ Achievement Award in 2008, Industrial-Academic-Government-Cooperation Award from Japanese Government in 2012 and many best paper awards. He is an author or a co-author of more than 250 full papers, 300 conference papers, 20 patents and 10 text books including a recent publication entitled “Motion Control Systems” from Wiley in 2011.